
Friday, April 19, 2013

Logo design

Artist Statement:
In Art II, our next project that we were working on revolves around us and creating a logo design that represent/identifies us. For my logo design, I created a pice that somewhat relates to nature and peace. I used my last name to represent myself and my family. As for the owl with a heart shape on it, it represents love and intelligence. What I did first in the process for creating this piece was doing some thumbnails for ideas that could help me get my draft/sketch starting. After that, I begin to work on my rough/final sketch to get the basic idea of how I want everything to look, where the color should be, and the outcome of it all. Finally, I used a large mat board and sketch the basic outline of my logo and use paint to color in my design. All of the colors represented in this artwork represented something similar about myself.

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