
Friday, April 19, 2013

3rd Marking Period- Free Choice

Artist Statement:
In Art II, our class decided to create another free choice for the third quarter. For my project, I decided to create something unique that represents love, sadness, and longing. By doing so, I did a few sketches along the way to figure out how I wanted everything to work out. After I found what I wanted to do, I started sketching where and what things I want to include in my artwork using a large piece of paper and pencil. Once I was done with that, I started coloring everything using color pencils for the shading and everything, and white acrylic paint for the shining portion of the artwork. Overall, I was happy of how well my shading worked out, but I wasn't too happy about my use of coloring nor the girl in the picture. It was a bit iffy to me, even now. The true meaning I wanted to show in this project was to do something that relates to true love and sorrow. I came up with this idea with the emotions that I've felt in a similar experience and pour them into my artwork.

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