
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Non-objective painting

Artist Statement: 
In Art II, our next project we did involved with non-objective artwork. For this project, I decided to use acrylic paint as my medium and a mat board as my surface to create a splatter paint artwork. While doing this, we had to use a specific color that defines our self from our personality. From what we had done, we used a personality quiz to figure out what color describes us. The outcome for my personality quiz was blue, which describes me as a loyal, reliable, kind, and trustworthy person. Using that as my main focal point of this painting, I used as much colors as I can that involves with blue, however, I also used some other colors that will help bring out the blue to grab the audience's attention from the painting. Although blue is mostly my personality color in this painting, I'm also a white as well as I show peace, self-sufficient, and neat. Overall, I believe that although it was my first time doing something out of the ordinary (and messy), I enjoyed creating something like this that shows an overflowing emotion towards the painting. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

3rd Marking Period- Free Choice

Artist Statement:
In Art II, our class decided to create another free choice for the third quarter. For my project, I decided to create something unique that represents love, sadness, and longing. By doing so, I did a few sketches along the way to figure out how I wanted everything to work out. After I found what I wanted to do, I started sketching where and what things I want to include in my artwork using a large piece of paper and pencil. Once I was done with that, I started coloring everything using color pencils for the shading and everything, and white acrylic paint for the shining portion of the artwork. Overall, I was happy of how well my shading worked out, but I wasn't too happy about my use of coloring nor the girl in the picture. It was a bit iffy to me, even now. The true meaning I wanted to show in this project was to do something that relates to true love and sorrow. I came up with this idea with the emotions that I've felt in a similar experience and pour them into my artwork.

Metamorphosis project

Artist Statement:
In Art II, our next project is a metamorphosis project. For this project, the images I used to create this piece was an image of a lily and a dove. I decided to draw a lily personally because it was one of my favorite flowers that represents a sweet, calm, and independent side of myself while for a dove represents the love, freedom, and knowledge I've attained throughout my years. The process I made to create my metamorphosis in book form was starting of with a contour drawing of the images. I then follow it up with the shading  to make it look realistic, doing the process over and over again to each box while slowly making it look abstract and into a dove. Because of the petals from the lily, it was an easier way to form it out as the wings and body structure of the dove. The technical strength on this artwork overall was my accuracy in outlining the images onto the paper. As for my conceptual strength, it was figuring out which image works better with one and another. The only problem I had with this project was being able to shade in everything nicely.

Logo design

Artist Statement:
In Art II, our next project that we were working on revolves around us and creating a logo design that represent/identifies us. For my logo design, I created a pice that somewhat relates to nature and peace. I used my last name to represent myself and my family. As for the owl with a heart shape on it, it represents love and intelligence. What I did first in the process for creating this piece was doing some thumbnails for ideas that could help me get my draft/sketch starting. After that, I begin to work on my rough/final sketch to get the basic idea of how I want everything to look, where the color should be, and the outcome of it all. Finally, I used a large mat board and sketch the basic outline of my logo and use paint to color in my design. All of the colors represented in this artwork represented something similar about myself.