
Monday, December 31, 2012

Physical Aspects of Identity Life Drawing

Artist Statement:
Rather than looking towards what I see beyond my imagination to what I do almost every day, I began to look towards reality. In fact, for our next subject that we did in art, we begin doing realistic art and figure models with our partners. Every model that is being drawn and structured gives off a personality that many people cannot see. My drawings represent that sort of style and characteristics. I first start off drawing some gesture drawings to get the basic structure of where the body is using a color pencil as my basic material. After that, I soon started working on the outline of where things go such as the creases, wrinkles, and simple outlines of the face. Finally, once I figured where everything needs to go, I begin working on my final work with a mechanical pencil of .5 lead and started shading using a normal number 2 pencil. It was a bit tough in the end as I started getting all the details and shades all together, but it was really fun to do. Though it would be nice to make the model pose a style that most fashion workers usually do during photos, I wanted to draw a figure that shows a physical aspect of what that character is like every day and their expression.

Gesture drawings/sketches:

Contour drawing:

Realistic drawing:

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